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   EVERYTHING: You have been taught in high school "world history", or "civics class", has ALL been perpetrated, orchistrated LIES.


   From the "FREEDOM of LIBERTY", to personal "RIGHTS", has ALL been nothing more than deception. This is WHY our sitting president can do what he is "doing." He is a lawyer of "constitutional law", he knows the truth that you and I were NOT taught. The "Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as the Declaration of Independence", is ALL OF IT not worth the paper it was written on. SEE the page here on the Declaration of Independence.


   The CROWN TEMPLARS (see the page " The Four Templars for Explaination") own the United States and ALL it's people, through the BAR ASSOCIATIONS. READ the page titled,


   It is a REAL eye opener concerning how our government is working today. Every "LAWYER" in Washington is aware of this TRUTH, as well as every practicing lawyer Nation wide is aware of this truth. The ONLY people who do NOT know, is the average citizen of the United States. The text books that you and I used in high school were ALL formulated to decieve us. We have been TAUHT a LIE of the greatest MAGNITUDE, for over 237 years.


   I used to believe it too, I am a Naval veteran of 9 years, and volunteered for Vietnam in 1974. I wanted to do my patrotic part. Man was I decieved! I learned the TRUTH about this government through SELF desire to KNOW.

   The upcoming American Spring Event slated for May 16,17 2014 is nothing more than "to aquire names and places of dissidents, insurrectionists, who will be cataloged as "domestic terrorists, and gathered to the new supreme courts approval of (6) six internment camps that are waiting for them. Even Col. Riley in his capacity is decieved into believing the "LIE", otherwise he would not be trying to rally the people to the RALLEY in D.C.


   I believe personally that the NDAA will be exercised to it's fullest extent during those TWO days, and every day thereafter, until the camps are to capacity. I am ALL for personal rights and freedom, but since we have never been "legally" guranteed these through deception, we DO NOT have a legal right to them. So this is why the sitting president can ACT and DO what it is he is DOING, he knows that there has NEVEN been any lawful Constitution, nor any lawful Declaration of Independence, let alone an individual Bill of Rights. IT HAS ALL BEEN A DECEPTION fabricated by the CROWN TEMPLARS and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.


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