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Below is some interesting facts that you might like to know. The Catholic Church doesn't even know what your about to find out. That in most cases is the CASE! In the first three Slides is simply a depiction of the symbol held up before the masses, without their knowledge of what it really means.














FIRST UP we have Pope Paul the VI calling for a New World Order, which he termed a one world government. As in this photo he bears the "Bent Cross", which upon the cross is an emaciated figure of Christ. MOST people even within the catholic church does NOT know the meaning of this crucifix. As you study all three images, you will know that "they KNOW exactly what it means." It was during the pontificate of Paul VI that the popes more permanently began using a ferula as a pastoral staff for solemn liturgical celebrations, rather than a symbol of governance. In effect, the papal ferula became the equivalent of a bishop's crosier or pastoral staff.
























Next UP, we have John Paul II carrying the same emblem before the people as he waves to the crowd below, he bears the "bent Cross" as well. Now it's the "New World Order" Notice the "bent cross"

Anti-Christ in Plain Sight

Next we have Benedict the XVI displaying the same "bent cross"

And finally the current pope, Pope Francis carrys the same "satanic" symbol of his predecessors.

Since it is "obligatory" obviously ALL reigning popes carry this emblem of EVIL, they have to know what it means. See the FINAL slide below, for a explanation of the bent cross.

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